Since 2013

Online dating has become part of the California dating culture. With STD dating coming into picture, everyone is taken care of.

When California is mentioned, all the beautiful people, the movie stars, the great beaches and the night life come to mind, right? Well, what most people do not think about when California comes to mind is its STD dating space. The Golden State, as it is popularly known, is not just about the bars, the restaurants, the beaches, and the great outdoors. This means that people living in California who would like to try herpes dating, HIV dating, or HPV dating have a chance to do so and find love and romance in a safe way. According to, a good number of their positive members come from California.

Prior to jumping into more details, let's look at the different types of STDs because there is a general misconception. The most common incurable STDs are HIV, HPV and herpes. All these are different in terms of areas they affect and symptoms but they all are viruses and are sexually transmitted. Also, they share the similarity of being lifelong. This means that once someone gets the virus, they have to live with it for life since there are no cures yet. Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus. There are two common strains which are herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2). HSV1 is known to cause oral herpes or what most people refer to as cold sores. HSV2 on the other hand causes genital herpes. However, HSV1 can cause genital herpes and HSV2 can cause oral herpes.

HPV stands for human papillomavirus and comes in 200 different strains. Some of these strains are sexually transmitted and are known to cause some types of cancer. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus and spreads through blood, vaginal fluids, and semen. Having HIV does not mean you have AIDS. AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV and it means that the body is too weak to fight off common infections and diseases. 

Let us go back to dating with an STD. Going back to the dating space after being diagnosed can be an easy affair or a daunting task. This will purely depend on how you choose to approach it. Most people go through a rough patch especially because there is the acceptance period. If you are single, dating is one of your major concerns. The most important move is to accept your diagnosis. If you can accept it, then you will probably be in a better position to let your partner know.  There is extreme stigma attached to STD positive diagnosis and this is something you should be aware of. 

California is a diverse culture state with Hollywood, and major popular cities such as San Diego, San Francisco and Los Angeles. There is the leisure atmosphere in most of these cities and this brings in the dating and casual sex aspect. Well, positive singles in California can have a rough time when they look around and see lovers holding hands walking along the boardwalks near the beaches. Everyone wants to stand out like the Hollywood sign, but with an STD, most people hide behind smiles.

Decades ago, dating was a long process and premarital sex was not common. Today, dating has changed and has become this fast dynamic process. There are casual dates and hookups where people just meet to have sex, no strings attached. While this might seem like a great thing for many, for some, especially when dealing with an STD, it is a difficult affair.

This is why MeetPositives is an important part of California STD dating. Dealing with dating can be stressful, but when you add herpes, HIV or HPV the situation worsens. This is because somehow, you will have to bring up the STD conversation and your date might not like it. 

Luckily, for Herpes singles in California, HIV singles in California and HPV singles in California, MeetPositives presents a safe and smooth dating platform. There are members in California with herpes, HIV or HPV. This simply means that you will always find interesting STD singles near you in California. 

When most people find out that they have herpes, they start thinking that that is the end of their love and romance life. The dating culture has changed a great deal. We are now meeting people we share interests with online. How about meeting someone who already understands your diagnosis because they have gone through the same situation? There is also a supportive community where members share their experiences and knowledge related to the STD they are dealing with. This 

helps members cope with their infection better. 

Enjoy safe herpes dating, HIV dating and HPV dating in California at MeetPositives and make sure you follow all the safe dating rules.