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Since 2013

Privacy Protection

Meet Positives has dedicated efforts and resources to ensure that the information on this website is highly secured beyond the industry standards. Although we ensure that we play our part in keeping your information secure, we cannot promise that the information you share with other members will stay on the site. For this reason, we insist that you share any information carefully and avoid sending any personal information through unsecured email especially before you know the person well.

  • Our privacy settings ensure your information will be hidden from search engines and select members.
  • Search engines and people who are not logged in cannot see the information on your profile.
  • We will not rent sell or disclose your information to other websites, any third party individual or organization outside of our affiliate network.
  • You can discreetly save your photos on Meet Positives and share with the people you choose.
  • All the information you consider private will remain so on the website.
  • Meet Positives is a private community serving people living with STDs and we will not allow any profiles that don’t match with this community. In case you come across any individual not living with an STD, inform us, we will delete their account.
  • NOTHING TO DOWNLOAD,our website is 100% responsive making mobile usage very secure and discreet.
  • When it comes to Mobile, we did it right!  Now you can text and call from and to a 100% anonymous number. This keeps your number private until you are ready to share it. Maybe after the first date


NEVER Face “The Talk” Again, JOIN FREE!
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