Since 2013

#1 STD Dating Site, Find HIV, Herpes, And HPV Singles In Canada

Living with an STD is a daunting task. It can take a toll on a person’s mental and physical health. Most people believe that getting infected with an STD means getting locked out of the dating world. There is a lot of stigma surrounding sexually transmitted infections. When this is combined with misunderstandings, dating becomes a difficult process for people living with STDs. Luckily, there is

What Is Meet Positives? is a platform that doubles as a dating space and a support group for people living with sexually transmitted diseases. Here, you have the freedom to create a personalized profile that shows what infection you have and what you are looking for while maintaining privacy and confidentiality. We use your profile to help you get a possible match to get you out of the cocoon of believing that your life is loveless.

The Truth About STDs

We live in an age where medicine is at an advanced stage. There are treatments and cures for most diseases. Most people believe that people who suffer from sexually transmitted diseases come from poverty stricken backgrounds. This is the origin of the existing stigma.

The reality on the ground is that STDs can infect people from different nationalities, and race. It does not matter what financial background someone is from. In Canada, between 2011 and 2016, there was a rise in gonorrhea cases by 87%, syphilis cases by 76%, and chlamydia by 13%. Globally, there are over 400 million people living with different STDs.

This simply means that you are not alone.

Luckily, some STDs are not the death sentence they were years ago. This is because modern medicine has ensured that there is a cure for most STDs and treatment for the incurable infections. Persons living with STDs can now live a normal healthy life with the right treatment.

At Meet Positives, we acknowledge that there are many people living with STDs but we believe that having an STD does not define who you are. Having an STD should not lock you out of a life full of love. We believe that you still have an equal chance at love with an STD as you did without. You can find companionship, love, friendship and support in a community that understands what you are going through.

Our Site Users

Are you living with an STD, are you looking for love? You will love Meet Positives. Our site offers a dating platform, for people living with HIV, Herpes, Hepatitis, HPV and other STDs. All are welcomed regardless of race and STD status.

What We Offer

Apart from the smooth dating experience offered by, we also offer a community to provide members with support and advice to cope with their infections. We believe that the best support comes from people who understand what you are going through. This is why we have built a community where members can share and support each other in matters related to dealing with STDs and dating. There is also direct support for registered members where they can ask qualified professionals questions related to STDs.

Once you join our platform, you will realize that there are many people going through the same situation as you. There are many herpes singles, HIV singles, and HPV singles looking for love and will be excited meeting you.

Join us today for a positive STD dating experience and a supportive community.